Saturday, November 04, 2006

Birthday fun

There are so many things a young Basset needs to do, and so little time - I have had a fun packed and busy 24 hours.

Today is my foster mum's birthday and humans traditionally celebrate this by drinking bubbles. I'm not sure what all the fuss is about.. they taste a bit soapy to me.

They also get LOTS of presents (I sent her a box of yummy chocolates, I hope she lets me have one later...) Tealeaf the skinny ugly dog has taught me that when people get presents, it is the dogs' job to shred the colourful paper. This is FUN!

I stole this one fair and square:

But it is exhausting work:

After presents were opened, us dogs had a bit of a play, I have almost taught the Giant dinosaur dog what it is all about:

But sometimes he scares me:

After play, I found a new technique to get the best sun spot, I chase the skinny ugly dog (Cleo) away from her favourite place and steal it for myself. But you should hear the Language she uses, it's enough to make a poor Basset Puppy blush.

I am maturing into a very handsome lad indeed (I've even heard the boy humans say I am a "babe-magnet". What's that then? ):

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