Friday, April 20, 2007

A Spotty Teenager? Never!!

I went to the VET today as I had some bumps on my chin. In my opinion caused by grass seeds which attached themselves to my chin when I take my dad for a walk!

Imagine my embarrassment when Joe (who I thought was my friend) said that I was suffering from acne!! ( I thought he knew what he was talking about!)

ME a spotty teenager? I don't think so!

I am not amused!

However it was nice to see my friends Sarah and Vicky at the VET's and I even forgave Joe after he apologised and gave me some pretty pills.


Nazila Merati said... here.

Roya, our old cat, had zits at the age of 15 due to the plastic water bowl she had.

Fear not, spotty, we still love you and your present is in the mail tomorrow.


ernest and

Kerrio said...

Aww - Jackson - I would stick with the grass seed story if I were you.
