Friday, December 01, 2006

I have some very exciting news !

I have heard on the "diddle dee telegraph" that my REAL Dad is coming to see me. He is flying all the way from the Falklands just to make sure that my foster mum puts me on the boat. I think he is worried that she will decide to keep me and switch me for one of the SUMDs at the last moment.

It's cos I am so special, she loves me loads.

Even after I chewed her stereo remote,
and the table leg,
and all the chair legs,
and the keys,
and her work pass,
and the $1,000,000 Non-negotiable Bearer Bonds that were going to earn 'twentypercentonabeachintobago'.

(Apparently my "Dad" said that he'd be "good" for any damages incurred !)

Here is what's left of the $1,000,000 Non-negotiable Bearer Bonds that were going to earn 'twentypercentonabeachintobago'.


Anonymous said...

What is the diddle dee telegraph?

Kerrio said...

"Diddle Dee Telegraph" is the Falklands equivalent of the "grapevine" - ie rumour control. Diddle Dee is a local shrub. :)