Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Basset's Eye View

As you probably know by now, us Bassets are not very tall (compared to some mutants). And no comments about "wrinkly dwarves" please.

So here are some pictures which show the world from my point of view:

I am stalking the dinosaur dog..... (they are shy and you have to sneak up)

There is a dinosaur amongst the toys...... you can see his paw prints. Well, his paws.

Dinosaurs steal LFBP toys if you let them.

But it gives you an idea of what I am up against.

I am a mighty hunting Basset and I have startled the dinosaur.

I have flushed the dinosaur from the living room - LFBP victorious!

(but he seems to have gotten away with one of my toys. Damn.)

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