Monday, July 09, 2007

Interesting times!

Well - here we are and it's monday and my dad is STILL not home. But not worry - my brother Sam is (he of the very small ears.)

This is a pic of me and Sam when I was a much younger Basset still living with the SUMDs. I used to look up to him. Well I still do really, it's hard to manage any other direction when you are a BFBP.

So Sam and I are now home together, and the the good news is that Luca will be joining us at the weekend. This is cos Luca's dad Adam (who is also my brother, this makes me Luca's uncle, which also makes be a very confused Basset) also has to go to Chile to see my Dad, and his Dad. Are you following this?

Anyway - when Luca gets here I am planning a return to the beach with him (if Sam will oblige) and then we can do more of this:

Anyway, in the mean time, Sam has not had much practise at BFBPs of late, I stole his toast this morning. Apparently when he stayed with the SUMDs when Tealeaf was young, Tealeaf used to steal Sam's socks and shoes. Maybe I should try that....


Peanut said...

at least you have someone there to take care of you even if it isn't your dad who we hope comes home soon.

Ume said...

u gonna have more fun when Luca arrives!
socks r fun! esp the ones the hoomans had worn for 2 days!

Headgirl said...

Do hope you get some fun beach time!
I've a lovely basset picture I'm going to post to-morrow, especially for you!

Boomer and his mom Carol said...

Sweet fancy Moses General Jackson, your beach is beautiful! Nice to meet you!

Persephone and Buster said...

Can Bassets chase penguins? That beach looks exciting! Must be getting awfully cold down there, right now...


Persephone and Buster the Wonder Dog
Kerry Blue Terrors

Yolanda Lyons said...

Lots of good, warm Basset drool is heading to Santiago for both Richard and Adam. When it gets there, it will wrap around them, keep them comfortable and help the healing process. Meanwhile, General Jackson, you must maintain the home fires because us silly two-leggers can really botch up the job sometimes! Lots of prayers are being said for everyone's safe return home in the very near future!