Sunday, March 18, 2007

Red Nose Day? I Failed!!

The 16th of March was Red Nose Day and I had hoped that I would at least be able to wear a red nose for you.

(Kerri sent one over especially!)


The BIG noses this year were still too small for a growing Basset's nose, so I thought that I would modify mine.

This is getting near it!

Oops I think I might have overdone it a bit!

This piece is definitely too small (sorry Kerri!)

I think I will plan better for next year
The day was too wet and windy to do anything outside so one just had to think Basset thoughts:

"What IS the meaning of life? What is it all about"?


(apologies to Douglas Adams)

I am seven months old!! (is that really old?)


Nazila Merati said...

Jackson! You are still such a young man. Don't fret about things like the meaning life, wait until you are at least ten months old to worry about these things. Have your dad take a few books out from the lending library and eat them or shred them because you can't go outside.

I did that today and it was fun!

I am in the doghouse (figuratively) because of this. I don't like historical fiction.

e.the puppy

Anonymous said...

I asked this before but my post seems to have disappeared.. what is red nose day? We don't have that here in Canada so I'm very curious :)


Megan said...

"Red Nose Day" is the Comic relief fundraising day in the UK - it's a HUGE funraising push revolving arround comedy, raising money for poor people in the UK and africa:

They raised over 40 Million (Sterling) this year.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info Megan and the link!
Louise in Canada