Sunday, April 08, 2007

Sofa Surfing? No Problem!

As a Basset who was brought up by lurchers I find sofa surfing not a problem! I understand that lurchers say that they surpass at this exercise but I believe I have taken it to a new level! I even do it as soon as I get up in the morning!

The first thing to do is relax

Let your mind go blank (I find this easy!)

Star gazing helps the process

But if the sun gets too bright..................

Remember: don't let anything interrupt you!

This exercise can be performed at any time of the day or night but is highly recommended for both body and mind.


Kerrio said...

Fabulous - Roaching Bassets!

See what the SUMD's can teach?


Nazila Merati said...

You are so handsome and lucky that no one was bothering you when you napped.

I am so jealous.


. said...

General Jackson,

I have passed your tips onto Ko, who is *always* interested in learning new and provocative sofa surfing technique!

Smooch on your doggie nose,


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Sofa Zen.

Bussie Kissies