Thursday, February 22, 2007

Shakespeare and all that Jazz!

Did you know that Bassets are even mentioned in Shakespeare?

Midsummer Night's Dream (Act 4, Scene1.):


"My hounds are bred out of the Spartan kind,"

"So flewed, so sanded,"

"and their heads are hung with ears that sweep away the morning dew;"


"and dewlapped like Thessian bulls;"

"Slow in pursuit, but matched in mouth like bells,"
Luca is coming to stay for a week tomorrow!! I can't wait. (Although I am not sure how the Boss is going to manage with two of us!)
I will keep you posted!!


Anonymous said...

I always knew that you were a "work of art" Jackson and the fact that The Bard wrote about your ancestors all those years ago now proves it!

I hope that you won't forget to come and visit us when Luca is staying over and please be careful with Dad and don't trip him up!

Claudette x

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that picture of the little basset shaking the sand off his fur. Hat's off to the photographer who managed to take that shot!

Louise in Canada