Hi everybody! I am sorry that I have not been posting but my Dad tells me that he has had computer problems. (I think it is because he is too lazy and has been painting those pictures again!)
Since I last posted we have had lots of visitors in the Islands including 250 veterans from 1982. They had a big brass band and lots of bagpipes (I think I would like to learn to play the bagpipes or perhaps the trombone! -it is the bone bit that interests me!-) It was great to see them and I would like to say Hi to Adrian who really knew how to talk to a Basset!
Since then the weather has been very cold and we have even had snow!
A Basset should only go out there when nature calls
and then hurry back
and come in and wrap up well!
I did try to keep my spirits up
and look cute for everybody
However things have improved and I managed to get Dad out for a walk.
even though there was still snow on the hills!
Am I growing into a handsome Basset?
Crufts next year?
By the way Luca's granddad arrived today from New Zealand and we have both promised to make sure that he gets lots of walks!
This time last year I was getting ready to sail away on my ship. It seems ages ago!